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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  January 30, 2013 1:40am-4:00am PST

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1:41 am
remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs... you'll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
1:43 am
welcome back, everybody. the year's first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning on capitol hill. the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons been a and back kbrou kbround -- background checks had not serious efforts to stem gun violence. gabby gifford's husband, mark kelly, is also expected to testify at the hearing. in trenton, new jersey, authorities are touting the haul of weapons now off the streets thanks to a gun buyback program, bringing in 2600 hand guns. someone even turned in a rocket launcher. the state paid out $324,000 for the weapons, no questions asked.
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a federal court is upholding san francisco's new nudity ban, so keep it under wraps. a judge ruled the ordinance does not violate first amendment rights. activists challenged the rule arguing the right to strip down is a freedom of expression. the ban covers public areas across san francisco and goes into effect friday. a memento from mickey mantle's baseball career. a special ring has been found. just 536 so-called career rings were made, one for each of his home runs. the one in question belonged to his youngest son and it was stolen from his home in texas in 2007 and resurfaced at a pawnshop in flint, michigan. an appraiser figured it was stolen. the police followed a trail to a guy already in custody for stealing another valuable from mantle's house. >> that ring is going to go back to mickey's son, dan.
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>> as it should. >> they have agreed not to file charges or name anyone involved in the whole ordeal. they just want the jewelry back. so there it is. what a collection of jewelry. and still ahead, hillary clinton, the exit interview as she prepares to step down friday as secretary of state. what's next? "nightline's" cynthia mcfadden asks, will she be the one to finally breakthrough that glass ceiling? stick around. we'll be back.
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♪ on saturday morning, for the first time in many, many years, hillary clinton will not have a job or really anywhere she has to be. friday is her last say as secretary of state.
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>> as she prepares for what's next, she sat down with abc's own cynthia mcfadden. >> reporter: she's been secretary of state for four years, visited 112 countries, more than any of her predecessors, logged almost a million miles. but it's where she's going next that has everybody talking. let's just say this isn't the first time the question has come up. in moscow three years ago, you told me, i have absolutely no interest in running for president, none. you're never going to run for president again? >> i have absolutely no interest in running for president again. none, none. >> reporter: two years ago, you said the exact same thing in australia. you said talk about the future, you said you're not running for president in 2012 or 2016. what about 2020? in the past few days, a pack called "ready for hillary" has been launched. can you still say with a straight face that you have -- that there's no way you would consider running for president?
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>> sitting here right now that is certainly what i believe, and i am still the secretary of state. so i'm not in politics. i'm going to be focusing on my philanthropy, my charities, my writing and speaking. so i'm looking forward to having something resembling a normal life again. >> reporter: yet, are we up to maybe? >> that's very good, cynthia. well, of course, of course i am flattered and honored. i didn't even know about some of these things happening now. i don't know how else to say it, but i am going to get back into my life again. this is going to be new for me. i don't know how i'm going to react to it, to be honest. >> reporter: when you conceded defeat in the primary, you made a famous speech in which you said there were 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling. >> although we weren't able to
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shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> reporter: if in the course of the next couple years it appears as it appears now that you might be the person who could actually breakthrough that kblaglass cei and become the first female president of this country, would you feel a certain obligation to seize that mantle? >> i do want to see that glass ceiling shattered. i don't think it has to be any particular person. >> reporter: but there's never really been a woman who's had a credible chance. it looks like you might be that person. i know how seriously you take commitment and obligation. >> but i'm not making any commitments and obligations because i do take them seriously. >> reporter: saturday morning, what happens? >> i hope i get to sleep in. you know, i'm thinking about that, because it will be the first time in many years when i've got no office to go to, no schedule to keep, no work to do. that will probably last a few days.
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then i will be up and going with my new project. >> reporter: thank you so much for talking with us. >> good to talk to you. >> people are saying we just had the inauguration for obama. they were talking about 2016. >> it takes a long time to get prepared to run for the highest office in the land. >> once we get to the summer of 2014, game on for 2016. so we have a year and a half, which is not a lot of time. hard to believe after the whole ordeal we just went through. but these things come around more quickly than most folks think. >> but she has earned her right to take saturday morning off. >> 1,700 meetings with world leaders, 570 airplane meals. three times caught dancing on camera. she's almost as busy as us. camera. she's almost as busy as us. don't compromise. new vidal sassoon pro series from triginal salon genius. starts vibrant, stays vibrant. precision mix formula saturates each strand for 100% gray coverage.
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hydrablock conditioner helps fight fade out for up to 8 weeks. new vidal sassoon lets you say no to compromise and yes to vibrant color like this. new vidal sassoon pro series salon genius. brilliantly priced. with grease and lime scale. use finish dishwasher cleaner every month to keep your machine in sparkling health. for shining results, finish dishwasher cleaner.
1:52 am
i love the fact that quicken loans provides va loans. quicken loans understood the details and guided me through every step of the process. i know wherever the military sends me, i can depend on quicken loans. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo
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and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody. this is a shout out to all you "30 rock" fans. as you probably know, the show is over. thursday is it, january 31st.
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this thursday is the series finale. so to mark the occasion, guess who is jumping in? ben and jerry's is getting ready to unveil a "30 rock" themed ice cream flavor. could be cool. the co-founder jerry greenfield is set to unveil the new ice cream and its name at a special viewing party on thursday being held just steps away from rockefeller center. we have people speculating will it be lemon flavored? after the main character liz lemon. we shall see. clearly those who are missing your show can indulge in some "30 rock" themed dessert. so congrats on a nice run for our friends over on "30 rock." and talking about a nice run, we have a postal worker who retires after 44 years, never took a sick day. >> whoa. >> never took a sick day. there she is. debra ford. she will retire from the u.s. postal service without using any of her sick days.
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>> i'm always amazed. we salute that. that's always an amazing honor. sometimes we all just need a mental health day. >> she didn't need it. >> let's take this opportunity to give a shoutout to beloved cameraman willis chambers. willis, how long are you at abc? >> say again. >> how long were you at abc before you lost your hearing aids? >> 31 years. >> how many sick days did you have? >> never took a sick day. >> wow. we want to give willis a shoutout. >> amazing. >> it's ironic. every day he makes me sick. also, a cool story here. biggest pizza delivery ever. u.s. servicemen in afghanistan are going to get 21,000 deep dish takeaways for super bowl sunday. they're going to get flown in from chicago. this group called pizzas for
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patriots teaming up with dhl express to get those pizzas to the troops. 21,000 chicago style pizzas going to afghanistan and kuwait. >> and who doesn't love a good pizza? >> congratulations. this was really interesting to me. apparently how a man dances cannot only attract a lover but can also ward off rivals. i mean, are you a good dancer? >> really? sometimes if i just begin to feel it, you got to do like fresh prince. oh! >> oh! ♪ñc?xús1@ú?
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this morning on "world news now," economic rebound. stocks are surging, approaching a milestone not seen since the beginning of the recession. >> one reason, encouraging reports about the housing market
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and the increasing value of your home. it's wednesday, january 30th. from abc news, this is "world news now." happy hump day, everybody. i'm rob nelson. good morning. >> and i'm sunny hostin. all eyes will be on wall street later this morning for positive signs about the economy. that's in our top story. so some good news, finally. >> after, what, the last couple years of not so good news. ti finally. everything is temporary. never know if it's going to be sustainable. but today, things are looking good. may be a good time to sell your home. a strange weather system is bringing tornados to the south, and a meltdown to the north, followed by drastic changes. stay tuned for accuweather. really wacky weather since october. >> it's been weird. just keep the skies clear above new orleans for the super bowl.
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take it easy on there, mother nature. also this morning, what a way to impress your hometown. the high-wire stunt above sarasota, florida. wait until you hear about what he plans to do next. a family of truly brave people. bravery i will never know. >> i won't know it, either. i'm with you on that. >> he made it, though. later this half hour, another member of whitney houston's family is revealing new secrets about her past. yesterday we heard from her mother. and now another relative is speaking out. very, very interesting stuff. that's going to come up in "the skinny." >> the more you learn, the sadder the story becomes. but first, stocks could surge to a record high today after more than a week of gains. >> that's right. the dow could cross the 14,000 mark for the first time since the recession hit back in 2007. this morning, overseas markets are up, after reports of a real estate rebound. here's abc's david muir.
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>> reporter: this spike in home prices unthinkable just two years ago. economists who studied prices across 20 american cities revealing they've seen the biggest increase year to year in six years, home values up 5.5%. >> we haven't seen this in probably seven years. >> reporter: what has buyers lining up? in some cases outbidding one another. those historically low interest rates, lows not seen since the early 1970s. ten months in a row now of housing prices going up, up most in phoenix, nearly 23%. this home in scottsdale, arizona, it was listed a year ago at $275,000. she waited until now and sold it after three days on the market. the price, $365,000, nearly $100,000 more than the value last year. also on the seller's side, there aren't many houses out there. many americans who want to sell simply won't yet. they need to wait for their home values to recover completely. many still under water on their
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mortgage. >> nobody wants to go to the closing table and pay the bank to get out of the house. everybody is waiting it out until the value of the home increases a little bit more. >> reporter: as they wait to sell, many builders are trying to keep up with demand. look at this image from boca raton, florida. sorry, too late. sold. doug smith, a builder in virginia, checking in with "world news." >> we sold 43 homes in the month of january. it makes it the best january for us since 2005. >> reporter: employees returning to the job there in virginia. we loved hearing that. and economists reminding all of us that our homes are the largest investment, so when values go up, so does consumer confidence and the dow closing at its highest level in five years, the best start since 1989. >> incredible. >> best start since '89. that is encouraging news. four years ago, it was like in the 7,000 range. so to be near 14,000 is important fiscally.
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psychologically for a lot of folks, particularly when it comes to confidence, it was down in january because folks took a hit with that payroll tax cut expiring and social security taxes. >> i wonder, the banks have these strict guidelines now. much stricter than before because of the huge banking debacle. so i wonder are they lending money to folks who want to buy a home. that's going to be an issue. >> that always helps spur things on. the bank loosens its grip on the green. and the federal reserve expected to release a statement that could have an impact on the markets in terms of their latest economic outlook. so stay tuned for that. oil giant bp and the justice department have agreed to a record settlement in connection with the 2010 gulf oil disaster. in addition to paying $4 billion in penalties, the company agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter for the deaths of 11 workers on the deep water horizon rig. bp could pay billions more in environmental damage. another financial headline for you.
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there could be a big change coming to youtube. a paid subscription service. users would pay to access programs on youtube channel. the fees are said to be somewhere between $1 and $5 a month. youtube is also now considering charging for access to live events. the pay channels could go online next year. >> youtube charging, oh, man. weather news this morning. parts of the south and midwest are cleaning up from violent storms, and they're not out of the woods just yet. twisters and severe thunderstorms with winds hitting up to 80 miles an hour swept in from texas to illinois. a tornado in arkansas damaged homes and snapped power poles there. thousands of folks are still without power. also, a mix of rain and melting snow is creating a mess in michigan. rising water froze, leaving a thick sheet of ice on roads and driveways around flint. many cars and people, as you just saw, could barely make it across the slippery streets.
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she could have really hurt herself. >> at least she was smiling. and the deep drop in temperatures will follow the record warmth. >> and it's especially extreme in some areas. jim dicky has the very latest. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning. an unusual warm day expected. a strong sorm -- storm system moving in from cann dan. plenty of rainfall with this and strong storms. temperature wise, many spots setting new record highs here today. 55 in boston. 69 degrees in the d.c. area. mid-60s in pittsburgh as well. southeast, mild. 78 in columbia. 80s in florida. rob and sunny, back to you. >> jim, thanks a lot. we're following a developing story in alabama this morning. that's where a little boy is being held hostage. police say the alleged kidnapper boarded a school bus, shot the driver and took the 6-year-old child.
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that bus driver later died. now they're negotiating with the 65-year-old suspect. the year's first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning. a spokesman for the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons ban and background checks are not serious efforts to stem gun violence. wayne lapierre says the focus should be on boosting security at school, denying guns to the menltly ill, and enforcing gun laws that are already on the books. john kerry could be sworn in as soon as today as the next secretary of state. the massachusetts democrat won overwhelming approval in the senate yesterday. the governor of massachusetts announces later today who will take over kerry's seat until there's a special election. former congressman barney frank says he's interested in the temporary position. >> i think that election coming up in june. so we'll see. >> special election. >> so nice to see something get through congress smoothly. >> unbelievably smooth.
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>> enjoy that fleeting moment. if there was ever a story which to shout "cowabunga, dude," check this out. this is thought to be a world record 100 foot wave off portugal. >> if it's confirmed at 100 feet, that would break the record that mcnamara holds. that is a mere 78-footer that he rode on the same beach last year. >> he said it's like sliding down a bumpy mountain on a snowboard. he says your whole body, including your brain, simply rattles. >> i would imagine that, 100 feet up in the air on a wave. and 78 feet is nothing. >> that's crazy. other surfers interviewed for that story were like, he's nuts. surfers were amazed. he lived to tell the story. that's all that matters.
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coming up next, the nashville stinger who can write a new song about her own heartbreak. all eyes were on a hometown hero in sarasota, florida, showing off his remarkable high-wire stunts. what's next for nick wallenda? you're watching "world news now." [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
2:10 am
try the air wick freshmatic. it automatically fills the air with its captivating scent. just one freshmatic refill lasts as long as 55 aerosol cans. and with so many rich, indulgent fragrances to choose from, you can get lost in celebration. something in the air wick.
2:11 am
[ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel. ♪
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♪ classic, classic. that's a great song. that's like the stalker's national anthem. if you're afraid of heights, this probably isn't the story for you. >> that's right. nick wallenda again following in his family's famous footsteps and went for a tight rope walk over sarasota, florida. from the sound of things, though, he may have gotten a little more than he bargained for. >> reporter: one very delicate step at a time. nick wallenda put one foot in front of another, walking nearly 600 feet along a tight rope 200 feet over u.s. 41 in sarasota, florida. whether walking over a highway or more famously his stroll over niagara falls, he says it's all a challenge. >> i take them all just the
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same. they're all just as serious as the last. every single one i'm risking my life. it's pornimportant i stay extre focused. >> reporter: as his hometown crowd held its breath, an ems crew was on hand, just in case. he made his way across a wire no wider than a nickel. at one point, even taking a knee and blowing kisses to the crowd. while supervised by his father and circus workers below. that wire is his lifeline. no net, no safety tether. just balance and nerves protecting him from a 10-mile-an-hour gust of wind and the laws of gravity. and don't think for a second he wasn't keenly aware of it. >> are they dancing down there or what? that's crazy. >> yeah, they are. hold on. >> easy for you to say, hold on. i'm up here.
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>> reporter: despite all that, he made it look easy, finishing with a fist pump in celebration. back on the ground, nick joked about having his kids join the family business. >> absolutely not. which one of you parents out there would want to see your kids carry on what you do if you did what i do? >> there's nothing to catch him? >> no, he's out there. he's out there. no safety tethers at all. >> i don't -- >> that's brave. >> huh-huh. and now he's preparing to walk across the grand canyon? i just -- >> some people have a different genetic makeup. they're adrenaline junkies. they get their jollies from that kind of stuff. >> but what if he falls? he's a dad. he has children. >> i get it. but we're talking about the wallendas. >> it's awesome to see, but what if he falls? >> he made it. congrats. like i said, not my job, but
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good. coming up, new insight into whitney houston's troubles from yet another member of her family, because we heard from her mother yesterday. >> now the brother speaks. also, a country star has a new song to write about her personal heartbreak. that's coming up next in "the skinny."
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♪ skinny, so skinny
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skinny in the house! >> oh, willis. >> it is time for "the skinny." >> that was like a bird call. >> this is interesting. we just heard from whitney houston's mom yesterday, and she -- >> she has that new book coming out. >> she talked about bobby brown and how he didn't help with whitney's drug situation. now we're hearing from her brother michael who says he is the one who started her on the path to taking drugs, which is remarkable because everyone blamed bobby brown. listen to the interview that he gave to oprah winfrey. >> did you introduce her to drugs? >> i would say yes. >> people thought bobby brown was the one that introduced the drugs. but she was already doing drugs by the time she met bobby brown? >> yeah, yeah.
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bobby was -- yeah, he was after. i felt responsible, i always have. i feel like i should have taken better care of her. >> that's got to be hard for mom to listen to that. >> and look at sissy, look at mom listening to the fact that one child was responsible for introducing the other child to drugs. i mean, i think that's remarkable. and oprah, she still gets these incredible interviews. people talk to the oracle. so really i think just shed light on the entire whitney houston thing. another layer of pain for that family. >> considering she was such a superstar, the fact that another family member would help in the poisoning of herself is considered -- >> it's remarkable. >> it's within a year next month. >> i think that was the bombshell. bobby brown took a lot of heat for starting her on the path and it wasn't bobby. breakup news to tell you about, fellas.
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ashley judd is back on the market. she confirmed tuesday after 11 years of marriage, she and her husband -- >> he's back on the market. my, my. >> good-looking couple, there we go. no idea whether they're taking steps towards divorce or separation. they do not have any kids. they got married in scotland back in 2001 after being engaged for two years. again, no kids. no reason for why they're splitting up. but they said we'll always be family and continue to cherish our relationship. >> if you had a husband that looks like, what's there to break up about? >> 11 years, that's long in hollywood terms. >> it is. i feel so terrible for ashley. chris brown, we've been talking about him, right? everyone has been tweeting me because he's in trouble yet again. i'm not a fan. accused of starting a fight with frank ocean. he has come out and he says, i
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didn't start the fight. he posted a photo of jesus on the cross saying, painting the way i feel today. focus on what matters. now he says no, no, no, no. i didn't do it. his attorney mark geragos is eager to have his client talk to investigators. >> oh, chris, chris, chris. let's end on a good note. that was kind of depressing. those of you that love the hit "entourage," they're going to turn it into a movie. the movie has been officially green lit. that's the scene from the final episode when it went off a few months ago. of course, the big cliffhanger is whether ari was going to take that big job he was offered. so we'll see how it plays out. the boys of "entourage" coming back, yes, indeed. [ male announcer ] zzzquil™ sleep-aid. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep.
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[ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing™. [ birds chirping ] zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. ♪
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try these. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. not just a sensation, sensational relief. [ male announcer ] why do more emergency workers everywhere trust duracell...?? duralock power preserve. locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. now...guaranteed. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. ♪ well, unless you've been living under a rock or chained up in willis' basement, you know
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that sunday is the super bowl of advertising. so even if you don't like football, you can't help but take an interest in those commercials. >> the big game is where they try something new. this year what's new is you. abc's linsey davis explains. >> reporter: with $4 million at stake for just 30 seconds of your time during this sunday's big game, advertisers are trying anything and everything to score big. what they're banking on is this year's winning play will be putting the power to the hands of the viewer. instead of betty white, talking babies and dogs in shoes, this year is all about interaction and social media. >> the super bowl will be the most democratic and social super bowl in history. they really want people involved in these ad campaigns, because there is so much pressure. there is a huge investment and they want these things to have a
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long shelf life. >> reporter: for the past six years, doritos has been putting their fans to work making the ads. >> sweet heart, i would love to, but the guys are waiting for me. >> i've got doritos. >> reporter: and then having them vote on which one makes the cut. >> this is going to be fun to vote and see their vote count. >> reporter: something other companies are catching on to. this year, audi shot three endings to this scene's prom experience. and is letting viewers vote online, selecting which one makes it to the big screen. budweiser is asking viewers to follow them on twitter to name this baby colt. their latest edition to their famous team of clydesdales. the biggest hail mary of all, though, goes to pepsi, who bought just one ad and is using the rest of their screen time letting fans strike a pose with a can as they introduce boeyonc for their halftime show.
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linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> beyonce, beyonce. >> i hope she sings. >> willis, come on, man, sunny has been hating on beyonce all week. you've got to let it go. >> i hope it's not a milli vanilli moment. >> a lot of hateration. >> hope we're not having a repeat performance. >> go online, show us your team spirit, everybody, coming up for the big game sunday.
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this morning on "world news now," weird winter. from unusual january tornadoes in the south to a record meltdown in the north. >> and a drastic cold snap and
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snowstorm to follow the warmup. the weather system that's bringing travel troubles, power outages and damage to a big part of the country. it's wednesday, january 30th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> and i'm rob nelson. good morning, everybody. accuweather brings us up to date with this very unusual weather pattern coming up in our top story. it has been quite a roller coaster the last few weeks. >> it's 64 in the studio, so i can't tell what's going on with the weather. >> you're in a long line of female cohorts complaining about the ac running in here. >> it's cold. >> and then we're going to turn to turkey where they are new clues and surveillance video in the ongoing search for that missing american woman. also this morning, the
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master mind of the manti te'o hoax is breaking his silence. what he's telling a talk show host about the fake girlfriend invented to embarrass the notre dame football player. >> so manti sat down with katie couric. the hoaxster -- >> ronaiah tuisosopo. >> rolls right off the tongue. >> it should be a very interesting -- i think the whole thing raises a lot more questions about the hoaxster than the hoaxee. i don't get it. also, you may never look at the ocean quite the same way after we explain what sneaker waves are. we'll hear firsthand from someone who learned painful lessons about mother nature the hard way. but we begin with sea saw weather hitting a big chunk of the country. record highs one day, biting
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cold and snow the very next day. >> on top of that, severe storms are battering the south and the midwest. new pictures from east texas show the damaged trees down, trailers flipped over and property damage, as well. there have been three reports of tornadoes overnight. >> winter weather warnings are posted in eight states. our coverage begins with abc's larry jacobs. >> reporter: this january has been anything but ordinary. wild, wacky weather with temperatures plunging one day and soaring the next. this is what you would expect to see in winter in the windy city, but not in as the mercury climbed to a record of at least 63 degrees. >> i'm loving it. >> enjoy the day, because tomorrow it's going to drop again. >> reporter: back to the 20s thursday and the teens on friday. chicago's millennium park was way too slushy for skating, and so was that's rink in wisconsin. just a few days ago, subzero temperatures forced the closing of another rink. it was just too cold.
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strong winds are causing havoc on the roads. five states issued tornado watches and warnings. a tornado touched down in arkansas, causing minor damage. take a look at these ominous clouds that rolled in over dallas. some areas, rain totals are adding up, causing local flooding. larry jacobs, abc news, new york. >> the weather news doesn't stop there. this january meltdown could cause more flooding today. >> meteorologist jim dicky has the latest. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning. temperatures are going to soar here today, being brought on by an approaching cold front. watch those temperatures back off as early as tomorrow. winds out of the south and west, bringing this unusual warmth. many spots challenging and setting new record highs. 69 your high in d.c. mid-60s in pittsburgh as well.
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across the southeast, 62 in atlanta with rain spreading in through the day. 80 across florida. >> thanks so much, jim. new details about a missing american who vanished in turkey. grainy surveillance video was released by turkish police may offer the best lead investigators have as they search for the 33-year-old. the videos were taken january 20th, about two days before she was supposed to return to new york. she's seen eating alone and shopping before she disappeared. >> passport in the room, and i've heard even her cell phone was in the room. i don't like that combination, because that leads me to believe that someone was able to lure her out of the room. >> her husband and brother are in istanbul meeting with authorities and asking local media in their help in the search. she was traveling alone on what she described as her dream vacation. the defense has started
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presenting its case in a murder trial unfolding in phoenix. jodi arias admitted to killing her boyfriend. she says, though, it was all in self-defense. >> reporter: jodi arias listens as her lawyers call witnesses to the stand. she's accused of stabbing 29-year-old travis alexander 30 times and shooting him in the head at his mesa, arizona, home. the defense may call arias to the stand this week. legal analyst dan abrams says that move could be a big gamble. >> on the one hand, by calling jodi arias, you are increasing the chances she could get a lesser conviction and also increasing the chances she gets the death penalty. >> reporter: arias said she and alexander dated for a year and broke up but then continued a sexual relationship. prosecutors have shown the jury gruesome evidence from the crime scene, including a picture of alexander in the shower, just
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before they say he was murdered. the prosecutor says she killed him in a fit of jealous rage. arias' lawyers say she was the victim of abuse by alexander. her story has changed a few times. first she told police she wasn't there. >> i'm not a murderer. >> reporter: then arias says she was there, but intruders did it. >> if travis were here today, he would tell you it wasn't me. >> reporter: finally, she admitted to killing him, but says it was self-defense. >> if yesterday she was ready to say i did it and today she wants me to buy a crock called self-defense? >> reporter: whether or not she testifies on her own behalf, her fate lies with an arizona jury. she could face the death penalty if convicted. >> some of this bears repeating. i want to get your opinion on this. her lawyers have to explain why she brought a gun to the tryst, took pictures of him after he
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was dead, tried to destroy the camera in a washing machine, and then fled. okay. >> and then first said she had no involvement in it. then staid she was there and intruders did it. and now, it was either a situation of kill or be killed because it was self-defense. >> once they change their story, isn't that a huge red flag? >> it's really difficult. but the big issue everyone is wondering is will she testify? yes, they're going to have domestic violence experts, but in a self-defense case i don't know how you prove it if you don't get on the stand. because the other person that was there is dead. so you have to get on the witness stand and explain to this jury that it was a kill or be killed situation. he's a really big guy and she's a little person. she can be very charming. it's possible she could sway this jury. your job as a defense attorney is to make sure she doesn't get put to death. >> exactly. it's just weird if it was
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self-defense, i think the reaction would be to get out of dodge, not to sit there, take pictures and put the camera in the cashing machine. it isn't exactly a kodak moment. >> it's a very, very difficult case. >> we'll see what the jury does. new york yankees slugger a-rod is denying new allegations that he used performance enhancing drugs. that denial comes after a newspaper in miami reported that rodriguez is named in the records of a south florida clinic that sold illegal drugs to athletes. rodriguez and the doctor named in the report both deny being involved with the drugs and with each other. major league baseball is now investigating. the mastermind of the hoax that ensnared manti te'o is talking. he will appear on dr. phil's show tomorrow. the lawyer says tuiasosopo wanted to tell the truth as a way of healing.
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>> apparently the attorney is denying whether the client decided to play act for te'o or had known him as his real self. a lot of questions here. >> i think you said earlier, really, i think the big question is why would someone carry it on for so long? yes, maybe you admire this football star and you want to get to know him. but a year? months and months and on the phone for eight hours? >> it's a long way to go for a hoax. we'll see what he tells to dr. phil. an update now on barbara walters. we are happy to report this morning that barbara has been discharged from the hospital and she is recovering. she's getting stronger, of course, after suffering from a bout with chickenpox at home. barbara has been in the hospital since falling at a preinaugural party. >> wonderful news.
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>> great news here. strong lady at 83, that's for sure. some big-time dedication to her team is the reason why this is our favorite story of the day. it's all about a baltimore ravens fan who had cold feet. >> that's right. laura may have been trying on her purple wedding down in baltimore, but she took her time getting into it. her fiance proposed in 2010. she said she wouldn't get married until the ravens made the super bowl. >> she'll wear that dress to her wedding in new orleans on sunday and then wearing the dress to the game. that's what i call a fan. that's a super fan. >> that is loyalty. i like it. that is a super fan. i agree with that. >> she should get some sort of award or special seat. she's going to wear that purple dress and that is just going to be in her pictures forever. >> if the husband stands her up, she can always marry prince. she's ready for a purple rain kind of wedding.
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coming up, the remarkable super bowl story about two players who call themselves "brothers in life." later, why some of the most beautiful celebrities around are being photographed without makeup. you're watching "world news now." [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal.
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a walk on the beach turned deadly for a california woman when a huge wave seemed to come out of nowhere and swept her away. >> the wave that took her life is called a sneaker wave and so far this winter, they are responsible for five deaths. abc's neal karlinsky has the story.
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>> reporter: it's no surprise they're called sneaker waves. one look at the ones that have been captured on camera and you can see how suddenly they sweep in, knocking people hanging around otherwise peaceful shorelines, off their feet. it's exactly what happened to 32-year-old susan archer, swept away while walking along with her boyfriend and dog, trigger, along this northern california beach. >> you have to be careful of big waves. and we knew it and it just happened. >> reporter: he says it was the same walk they took every day, only this time the wave came. >> trigger had gone around the trigger and by the time i was getting around the corner, i saw her going out already. >> reporter: this time of year from northern california to the washington coast, a simple walk on the beach can be deadly for those not keeping a close eye on the churning seas, which whip up these sneaker waves.
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sneaker waves are so dangerous because they arrive as part of a smaller wave train. at first glance, it looks like a series of normal waves, until a much bigger, and stronger sneaker wave emerges, catching everyone around unaware. bob gibson survived one in oregon despite being slammed by a huge log. >> my thought was, this cannot be happening to me. >> reporter: since november in northern california, two more sneaker waves. one killing a man on a walk with his wife. the other leaving a couple and their 16-year-old son drowned. >> never, never, never turn your back on the ocean and never get really close to it. >> reporter: neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> these mainly happen in northern california, oregon and washington state. be careful. >> that's terrifying. >> oh, man. mother nature works in mysterious, dangerous ways. >> sneaker wave. had no idea. >> now you know. we'll be right back after this. stay with us.
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♪ every one of the players who take to the field in the super bowl on sunday will probably take a moment to be amazed at how far they have come. >> two young men, one from each team, will likely be among the most astonished. because their beginnings held so little promise. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: for all the talk of the two brothers coaching on the sidelines sunday, there's another incredible story. two of their best players, who aren't brothers by birth, but brothers in life. >> big mike, why were you going to the gym? >> because it's warm. >> reporter: the son of abject
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poverty and a broken home, who found football thanks to the kindness of strangers. >> never had one before. >> what, a room to yourself? >> a bed. >> reporter: today, he's an offensive tackle for baltimore. >> leeann was the first one that ever told me she loved me. i mean, i never heard that before. >> reporter: patrick willis was his teammate at ole miss and travelled the same difficult road to sunday's game. >> this is where the game of football started for me. i couldn't afford to play pee-wee football. i didn't get running water until i was 8 years old. >> reporter: the 28-year-old line backer for the 49ers is considered one of the best in the business today. he escaped an abusive father in rural tennessee who beat him with pots and pans. both ohr and willis were adopted by white families who had to explain themselves to the neighbors.
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>> yeah, we can help him. everybody at the time was like, you don't have a clue what you're doing. >> reporter: the two have become life-long friends and outside practice today they told us how much they still truly love their adoptive parents. >> they've been there through the good and bad, the crazy years. so just to have him here this weekend to enjoy this experience is a blessing. >> it's truly amazing, knowing where we came from and it made us work a lot harder, i never take anything for grant it. >> reporter: no matter who wins the ring, they believe that greatness is not what they've achieved but what they've overcome. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> before we talk about that, we really want to see your team spirit before sunday's super bowl. so send us pictures displaying your team pride. >> that's right. prove to us you are the number one fan of the 49ers or the ravens. show some creativity. you know what?
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maybe a little cleavage as you wear your favorite football garb. it's cool. it's good. >> i love this show. you'll kind the e-mail and twitter information on our fan page. get a little crazy, folks. >> they can show some cleaves. why keep it clean for the super bowl? >> this is a dirty, nasty show. so show us what you're working with. don't be scared. just go ahead and do it. i do love that last story because of the human kindness involved and it crosses racial boundaries. i love that story. root both of those guys on. you know what i mean? >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back with more after this. don't go far. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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finally, actresses caught baring it all. some of the hottest leading ladies around have agreed to be photographed without something they usually don't want to be caught dead without, and that would be makeup. >> could it be a trend? abc's linsey davis investigated and even put herself to the test. >> reporter: some of hollywood's hottest ladies went au naturale, that is from the shoulder up, posing without any makeup. stripped down stars kristen stewart, nicole kidman, among others, ditched the mascara for a revealing look. dark circles, freckles and all. they're not the first celebs to unmask. lady gaga appeared with no makeup in 2011. jessica simpson in may 2010.
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and other celebrities also posed for "people" magazine. even everyday women are finding a sense of freedom exposing what lies beneath, getting rid of the daily routine. katie couric interviewed an author who documented her life without makeup for an entire year. >> makeup and hair products would go, i packed away my jewelry, and i cut off my hair. >> reporter: never one to turn down a dare, i bare it all, stripping off the makeup on one side to reveal the differences it can make. it's like a before and after. dermatologists say going without makeup can help your skin look and feel better. >> at least once a week, you should not wear makeup at all and take every trace of makeup off every night. >> reporter: dermatologists caution women on the downside of constantly wearing makeup. foundation can block pores.
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dark eye shadow can cause rash. and wearing dark lipstick overtime can cause cysts. but being in public without anything on your face can feel rather naked. >> she still looks great. >> she does. >> i was a newspaper guy before i got into tv six years ago. the worst part about it is the makeup. i don't like it. >> i don't wear makeup when i'm not here. i don't wear makeup on the weekends. >> y'all do this all the time and i do it for tv, but i don't like it. it's not good. >> but you need it! >> willis says he needs it. >> flavor flave.
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this morning on "world news now," soldier's gift. the wounded warrior who lost all four of his limbs in the iraq war shows off what surgeons have given him. >> two transplanted arms.
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the amazing operation and the young man so grateful for a new beginning. it's wednesday, january 30th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good wednesday morning. happy hump day, everybody. we're getting there. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm sunny hostin. that soldier has already put his new arms to use, and you'll see how in our top story. it's really just a miracle story. i love this story. >> the only thing more impressive than the doctors is that guy's spirit. >> absolutely. and also this morning, president obama's push for immigration reform. now members of the senate must search for common ground in their goal to help 11 million undocumented immigrants. later this half hour, hillary clinton's long list of accomplishments as she gets ready to leave her job. what are her immediate and long-term plans? >> it's the long-term plans -- >> that will fuel a lot of
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speculation. >> that's right. and in some parts of the country, you are what you drive. what was this guy thinking when he decided to build a car that looks kind of like a banana? >> kind of? it's not a cantaloupe. look at that thing. i give him points for creativity. something different on the roadways. >> i'd check it out. >> it's not your average honda civic. i'll give him that. but first, new details of that rare operation which gave an iraqi war vet new arms. the 26-year-old new yorker showed off his transplanted arms just yesterday. >> abc's diana perez reports on this milestone operation. >> reporter: his story is one of bravery and heroism. he lost both arms and legs in iraq four years ago. a roadside bomb blew up the humvee he was driving. >> i'm still alive. that's all that matters to me. >> reporter: still, life without
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limbs was not the same. >> not having arms takes so much away from you. even your personality. >> reporter: so when doctors in maryland approached the 26-year-old about a double arm transplant, he didn't hesitate. >> i've overcome so much in the last four years that i really honestly wasn't worried about the risk. >> reporter: the transplant team seen here, connected bones, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, nerves and skins. the surgery, the most complicated performed in the u.s. ever. and the first words he uttered to doctors the afterward? >> i was happy that the surgery was over and i had arms. yeah, i love you was the first thing i said. >> reporter: today he still does not have full range motion, but we watched him wheel himself in to talk to reporters.
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>> it's like i went back four years and i'm me again. >> reporter: now he's sharing that positive attitude with other amputees. >> to not give up hope. there's a lot of people who will say you can't do something. just be stubborn. do it anyway. >> reporter: his doctors say the nerves in his arms and hands will regenerate at the rate of one inch per month. so it will take between two to three years before he can fully use his new limbs. diana perez, abc news, new york. >> i'm amazed by that regeneration stat in terms of how quickly he'll progress. >> and he's already feeling some -- he has some feeling in one arm, which is remarkable. and he's only the 7th person in the u.s. to have this double -- successful double arm transplant, which is also remarkable. >> whether it's a traumatic injury or cancer, it's the person's spirit that makes the difference. if you say i'm going to beat this thing and you have friends and family who love you, that makes a world of difference between life and death versus walking in and saying i give up.
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clearly his spirit is strong. that's why he's going to have a great recovery. we're praying for you, sir, absolutely. to other news this morning, the stocks are trading near record territory when the markets open this morning. the dow posted its seventh advance in eight days. investors were in a buying mood on news that the housing market in this country is recovering and strong earnings reports, as well. most of asia's markets are trading higher, as well. in asia this morning, new tensions on the korean peninsula. south korea has just launched a satellite into orbit, its first success in three tries. you may remember last week, north korea warned they are preparing a new nuclear test and another rocket launch of their own. a peace envoy is painting a grim picture of the scene in syria, telling the u.n. security council it needs to act as the
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country is destroyed "bit by bit." a graphic example of syria's civil war, government troops and opposition forces still battling at an airport. neither side is gaining ground. an estimated 60,000 people have died since the uprising began almost once year ago. egypt appears headed towards the same kind of chaos, as there are increasing demands for the president to step down. protesters played football and danced in the streets to defy the president's curfew. shops are also open after that curfew, even though there are fears of a civil war. confirmation hearings begin tomorrow for defense secretary nominee chuck hagel. he's expected to face tough questions on a range of issues, including his ideas about eliminating nuclear weapons. hagel supports an international movement called global zero that favors eliminating all such weapons. that puts him at odds with many of his fellow republicans. political insiders say it looked more like a campaign event than a presidential speech.
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president obama pushed for immigration reform before an enthusiastic crowd in las vegas yesterday. his proposal is very similar to one being put forth by a group of bipartisan senators. >> action must follow. we can't allow immigration reform to get bogged down in an endless debate. >> the two proposals focus on the same main principle. finding a way towards citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living here illegally. >> obviously, there's certainly -- the chances are higher now that something is going to happen on this issue compared to years past. the biggest hurdle, though, is that folks who aren't too crazy about this idea are saying in order for these things to happen, let's focus on border security. as long as folks can just flood into the country, it makes no difference what we're doing on the legislative side of things. that's going to become a
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sticking point. they're saying border patrol at the same time we're creating this new pathway. >> but something is going to be done. at this point, given the number of latinos that voted in this election, both sides of the aisle realize this is a voting bloc they need desperately. something will be done. >> president obama promised this in '08 and didn't really touch it. he even admitted not tackling immigration reform was his biggest failure of the first term. so this is getting attention from both sides. that's encouraging something will get done. we'll see by summer. in other news this morning, a wild line of storms is ripping across a wide area of the country from texas to the midwest. at least three tornadoes touched down. a twister in arkansas in fact snapped trees and powerlines, causing property damage and thousands of power outages with
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winds hitting 80 miles an hour. for many cities, the weather has turned upside down, they are wearing shorts in january in madison, wisconsin. temperatures usually hover in the 20s this time of year. today, madison is expecting 8 inches of snow and temperatures in the single digits. >> shorts? >> that's how people get sick. it's weird. >> here's the rest of your wednesday weather. snowstorms in des moines, kansas city, st. louis, and much of michigan. violent storms from new orleans to pittsburgh. moving east this evening from atlanta to new england and snow in the northern rockies and cascades. >> 40s from boise to albuquerque. 20s in the central plains. 6 below in fargo and 60s from new orleans to the big apple. >> i'm going to enjoy 60. >> it's going to be nice today. don't get used to it. the next time you're cruising the highways and byways
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of our great nation, keep an eye out for this, the so-called big banana car. >> the oddly shaped vehicle was designed by an adventurous guy. it's actually a ford f-150. >> he said he was inspired after seeing a banana in a fruit bowl. he thought he was the perfect shape and pictured it rolling down the road. he's taking the big banana now on a world tour. >> it doesn't have a top. >> maybe he hasn't made one. >> it's a forever convertible. if you're going to go cross country, you might have issues. spoiled banana. >> would you ever drive something like that? big banana car? a little too far out for you? >> may be a little far out for me. i'm in the sure. i may take a little spin in it. >> really? >> it looks cool. >> you get some attention. not bad. >> it looks cool. >> good for him, i guess. if he wants dessert, he just
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splits. that was bad. oh, yeah. that was bad. that was a low point, willis. that was low. that was bad. i admit it. i don't know why i said it. i was reaching, willis. >> and didn't grab nothing! coming up next, one of the biggest pizza deliveries in history. and celebrating hillary clinton's many accomplishments and some questions about her political future. you're watching "world news now." welcome back, everybody. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
3:13 am
welcome back, everybody. the year's first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning on capitol hill. the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons been a and background checks had not serious efforts to stem gun violence. gabby gifford's husband, mark kelly, is also expected to testify at the hearing. in trenton, new jersey, authorities are touting the haul of weapons now off the streets thanks to a gun buyback program, bringing in 2600 hand guns. someone even turned in a rocket launcher. the state paid out $324,000 for the weapons, no questions asked. a federal court is upholding san francisco's new nudity ban, so keep it under wraps. a judge ruled the ordinance does
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not violate first amendment rights. activists challenged the rule arguing the right to strip down is a freedom of expression. the ban covers public areas across san francisco and goes into effect friday. a memento from mickey mantle's baseball career. a special ring has been found. just 536 so-called career rings were made, one for each of his home runs. the one in question belonged to his youngest son and it was stolen from his home in texas in 2007 and resurfaced at a pawnshop in flint, michigan. an appraiser figured it was stolen. the police followed a trail to a guy already in custody for stealing another valuable from mantle's house.
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>> that ring is going to go back to mickey's son, dan. >> as it should. >> they have agreed not to file charges or name anyone involved in the whole ordeal. they just want the jewelry back. so there it is. what a collection of jewelry. and still ahead, hillary clinton, the exit interview as she prepares to step down friday as secretary of state. what's next? >> "nightline's" cynthia mcfadden asks, will she be the one to finally breakthrough that glass ceiling? stick around. we'll be back.
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♪ on saturday morning, for the first time in many, many years, hillary clinton will not have a job or really anywhere she has to be.
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friday is her last day as secretary of state. >> as she prepares for what's next, she sat down with abc's own cynthia mcfadden. >> reporter: she's been secretary of state for four years, visited 112 countries, more than any of her predecessors, logged almost a million miles. but it's where she's going next that has everybody talking. let's just say this isn't the first time the question has come up. in moscow three years ago, you told me, i have absolutely no interest in running for president, none. you're never going to run for president again? >> i have absolutely no interest in running for president again. none, none. >> reporter: two years ago, you said the exact same thing in australia. you said talk about the future, you said you're not running for president in 2012 or 2016. what about 2020? in the past few days, a pack called "ready for hillary" has been launched. can you still say with a straight face that you have -- that there's no way you would consider running for president?
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>> sitting here right now that is certainly what i believe, and i am still the secretary of state. so i'm not in politics. i'm going to be focusing on my philanthropy, my charities, my writing and speaking. so i'm looking forward to having something resembling a normal life again. >> reporter: yet, are we up to maybe? >> that's very good, cynthia. well, of course, of course i am flattered and honored. i didn't even know about some of these things happening now. i don't know how else to say it, but i am going to get back into my life again. this is going to be new for me. i don't know how i'm going to react to it, to be honest. >> reporter: when you conceded defeat in the primary, you made a famous speech in which you said there were 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest
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glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> reporter: if in the course of the next couple years it appears as it appears now that you might be the person who could actually break through that glass ceiling and become the first female president of this country, would you feel a certain obligation to seize that mantle? >> i do want to see that glass ceiling shattered. i don't think it has to be any particular person. >> reporter: but there's never really been a woman who's had a credible chance. it looks like you might be that person. i know how seriously you take commitment and obligation. >> but i'm not making any commitments and obligations because i do take them seriously. >> reporter: saturday morning, what happens? >> i hope i get to sleep in. you know, i'm thinking about that, because it will be the first time in many years when i've got no office to go to, no
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schedule to keep, no work to do. that will probably last a few days. then i will be up and going with my new project. >> reporter: thank you so much for talking with us. >> good to talk to you. >> people are saying we just had the inauguration for obama. they were talking about 2016. >> it takes a long time to get prepared to run for the highest office in the land. >> once we get to the summer of 2014, game on for 2016. so we have a year and a half, which is not a lot of time. hard to believe after the whole ordeal we just went through. but these things come around more quickly than most folks think. >> but she has earned her right to take saturday morning off. >> 1,700 meetings with world leaders, 570 airplane meals. three times caught dancing on camera. she's almost as busy as us. camera. she's almost as busy as us. don't compromise. new vidal sassoon pro series from triginal salon genius. starts vibrant, stays vibrant. precision mix formula saturates each strand for 100% gray coverage.
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hydrablock conditioner helps fight fade out for up to 8 weeks. new vidal sassoon lets you say no to compromise and yes to vibrant color like this. new vidal sassoon pro series salon genius. brilliantly priced. with grease and lime scale. use finish dishwasher cleaner every month to keep your machine in sparkling health. for shining results, finish dishwasher cleaner.
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i love the fact that quicken loans provides va loans. quicken loans understood the details and guided me through every step of the process. i know wherever the military sends me, i can depend on quicken loans. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo
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and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ welcome back, everybody. this is a shout out to all you "30 rock" fans. as you probably know, the show is over. thursday is it, january 31st. this thursday is the series
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finale. so to mark the occasion, guess who is jumping in? ben and jerry's is getting ready to unveil a "30 rock" themed ice cream flavor. could be cool. the co-founder jerry greenfield is set to unveil the new ice cream and its name at a special viewing party on thursday being held just steps away from rockefeller center. we have people speculating will it be lemon flavored? after the main character liz lemon. we shall see. clearly those who are missing your show can indulge in some "30 rock" themed dessert. so congrats on a nice run for our friends over on "30 rock." and talking about a nice run, we have a postal worker who retires after 44 years, never took a sick day. >> whoa. >> never took a sick day. there she is. debra ford. on january 31st of this month, she'll retire from the u.s. postal service without using any
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of her sick days. congratulations. >> i'm always amazed. we salute that. that's always an amazing honor. sometimes we all just need a mental health day. >> she didn't need it. >> let's take this opportunity to give a shoutout to beloved cameraman willis chambers. willis, how long are you at abc? >> say again. >> how long were you at abc before you lost your hearing aids? >> 31 years. >> how many sick days did you have? >> never took a sick day. >> wow. we want to give willis a shoutout. >> amazing. >> it's ironic. every day he makes me sick. also, a cool story here. biggest pizza delivery ever. u.s. servicemen in afghanistan are going to get 21,000 deep dish takeaways for super bowl sunday. they're going to get flown in from chicago. this group called pizzas for patriots teaming up with dhl express to get those pizzas to
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the troops. 21,000 chicago style pizzas going to afghanistan and kuwait. >> and who doesn't love a good pizza? >> congratulations. this was really interesting to me. apparently how a man dances cannot only attract a lover but can also ward off rivals. i mean, are you a good dancer? >> really? sometimes if i just begin to feel it, you got to do like fresh prince. oh! >> oh! ♪
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this morning on "world news now," economic rebound. stocks are surging, approaching a milestone not seen since the beginning of the recession. >> one reason, encouraging reports about the housing market
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and the increasing value of your home. it's wednesday, january 30th. from abc news, this is "world news now." happy hump day, everybody. i'm rob nelson. good morning. >> and i'm sunny hostin. all eyes will be on wall street later this morning for positive signs about the economy. that's in our top story. so some good news, finally. >> after, what, the last couple years of not so good news. finally. everything is temporary. never know if it's going to be sustainable. but today, things are looking good. may be a good time to sell your home. a strange weather system is bringing tornados to the south, and a meltdown to the north, followed by drastic changes. stay tuned for accuweather. really wacky weather since october. >> it's been weird. just keep the skies clear above new orleans for the super bowl. take it easy on there, mother nature.
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also this morning, what a way to impress your hometown. the high-wire stunt above sarasota, florida. wait until you hear about what he plans to do next. a family of truly brave people. bravery i will never know. >> i won't know it, either. i'm with you on that. >> he made it, though. later this half hour, another member of whitney houston's family is revealing new secrets about her past. yesterday we heard from her mother. and now another relative is speaking out. very, very interesting stuff. that's going to come up in "the skinny." >> the more you learn, the sadder the story becomes. but first, stocks could surge to a record high today after more than a week of gains. >> that's right. the dow could cross the 14,000 mark for the first time since the recession hit back in 2007. this morning, overseas markets are up, after reports of a real estate rebound. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: this spike in home prices unthinkable just two years ago.
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economists who studied prices across 20 american cities revealing they've seen the biggest increase year to year in six years, home values up 5.5%. >> we haven't seen this in probably seven years. >> reporter: what has buyers lining up? in some cases outbidding one another. those historically low interest rates, lows not seen since the early 1970s. ten months in a row now of housing prices going up, up most in phoenix, nearly 23%. this home in scottsdale, arizona, it was listed a year ago at $275,000. she waited until now and sold it after three days on the market. the price, $365,000, nearly $100,000 more than the value last year. also on the seller's side, there aren't many houses out there. many americans who want to sell simply won't yet. they need to wait for their home
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values to recover completely. many still under water on their mortgage. >> nobody wants to go to the closing table and pay the bank to get out of the house. everybody is waiting it out until the value of the home increases a little bit more. >> reporter: as they wait to sell, many builders are trying to keep up with demand. look at this image from boca raton, florida. sorry, too late. sold. doug smith, a builder in virginia, checking in with "world news." >> we sold 43 homes in the month of january. it makes it the best january for us since 2005. >> reporter: employees returning to the job there in virginia. we loved hearing that. and economists reminding all of us that our homes are the largest investment, so when values go up, so does consumer confidence and the dow closing at its highest level in five years, the best start since 1989. >> incredible. >> best start since '89. that is encouraging news. four years ago, it was like in the 7,000 range. so to be near 14,000 is important fiscally. psychologically for a lot of
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folks, particularly when it comes to confidence, it was down in january because folks took a hit with that payroll tax cut expiring and social security taxes. >> i wonder, the banks have these strict guidelines now. much stricter than before because of the huge banking debacle. so i wonder are they lending money to folks who want to buy a home. that's going to be an issue. >> that always helps spur things on. the bank loosens its grip on the green. and the federal reserve expected to release a statement that could have an impact on the markets in terms of their latest economic outlook. so stay tuned for that. oil giant bp and the justice department have agreed to a record settlement in connection with the 2010 gulf oil disaster. in addition to paying $4 billion in penalties, the company agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter for the deaths of 11 workers on the deep water horizon rig. bp could pay billions more in environmental damage. another financial headline for you. there could be a big change coming to youtube.
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a paid subscription service. users would pay to access programs on youtube channel. the fees are said to be somewhere between $1 and $5 a month. youtube is also now considering charging for access to live events. the pay channels could go online next year. >> youtube charging, oh, man. weather news this morning. parts of the south and midwest are cleaning up from violent storms, and they're not out of the woods just yet. twisters and severe thunderstorms with winds hitting up to 80 miles an hour swept in from texas to illinois. a tornado in arkansas damaged homes and snapped power poles there. thousands of folks are still without power. also, a mix of rain and melting snow is creating a mess in michigan. rising water froze, leaving a thick sheet of ice on roads and driveways around flint. many cars and people, as you just saw, could barely make it across the slippery streets. she could have really hurt
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herself. >> at least she was smiling. and the deep drop in temperatures will follow the record warmth. >> and it's especially extreme in some areas. jim dicky has the very latest. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning. an unusual warm day expected. a strong storm system moving in from canada. plenty of rainfall with this and strong storms. temperature wise, many spots setting new record highs here today. 55 in boston. 69 degrees in the d.c. area. mid-60s in pittsburgh as well. southeast, mild. 78 in columbia. 80s in florida. rob and sunny, back to you. >> jim, thanks a lot. we're following a developing story in alabama this morning. that's where a little boy is being held hostage. police say the alleged kidnapper boarded a school bus, shot the driver and took the 6-year-old child. that bus driver later died. now they're negotiating with the
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65-year-old suspect. the year's first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning. a spokesman for the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons ban and background checks are not serious efforts to stem gun violence. wayne lapierre says the focus should be on boosting security at school, denying guns to the mentally ill, and enforcing gun laws that are already on the books. john kerry could be sworn in as soon as today as the next secretary of state. the massachusetts democrat won overwhelming approval in the senate yesterday. the governor of massachusetts announces later today who will take over kerry's seat until there's a special election. former congressman barney frank says he's interested in the temporary position. >> i think that election coming up in june. so we'll see. >> special election. >> so nice to see something get through congress smoothly. >> unbelievably smooth. >> enjoy that fleeting moment.
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if there was ever a story which to shout "cowabunga, dude," check this out. this is thought to be a world record 100 foot wave off portugal. >> if it's confirmed at 100 feet, that would break the record that mcnamara holds. that is a mere 78-footer that he rode on the same beach last year. >> he said it's like sliding down a bumpy mountain on a snowboard. he says your whole body, including your brain, simply rattles. >> i would imagine that, 100 feet up in the air on a wave. and 78 feet is nothing. >> that's crazy. other surfers interviewed for that story were like, he's nuts. surfers were amazed. he lived to tell the story. that's all that matters. coming up next, the nashville stinger who can write a new song about her own heartbreak.
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all eyes were on a hometown hero in sarasota, florida, showing off his remarkable high-wire stunts. what's next for nick wallenda? you're watching "world news now." [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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try the air wick freshmatic. it automatically fills the air with its captivating scent. just one freshmatic refill lasts as long as 55 aerosol cans. and with so many rich, indulgent fragrances to choose from, you can get lost in celebration. something in the air wick.
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[ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel. ♪
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♪ classic, classic. that's a great song. that's like the stalker's national anthem. if you're afraid of heights, this probably isn't the story for you. >> that's right. nick wallenda again following in his family's famous footsteps and went for a tight rope walk over sarasota, florida. from the sound of things, though, he may have gotten a little more than he bargained for. >> reporter: one very delicate step at a time. nick wallenda put one foot in front of another, walking nearly 600 feet along a tight rope 200 feet over u.s. 41 in sarasota, florida. whether walking over a highway or more famously his stroll over niagara falls, he says it's all a challenge. >> i take them all just the same. they're all just as serious as the last.
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every single one i'm risking my life. it's important i stay extremely focused and never get to the point of complacency. >> reporter: as his hometown crowd held its breath, an ems crew was on hand, just in case. he made his way across a wire no wider than a nickel. at one point, even taking a knee and blowing kisses to the crowd. while supervised by his father and circus workers below. that wire is his lifeline. no net, no safety tether. just balance and nerves protecting him from a 10-mile-an-hour gust of wind and the laws of gravity. and don't think for a second he wasn't keenly aware of it. >> are they dancing down there or what? that's crazy. >> yeah, they are. hold on. >> easy for you to say, hold on. i'm up here. >> reporter: despite all that, he made it look easy, finishing
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with a fist pump in celebration. back on the ground, nick joked about having his kids join the family business. >> absolutely not. which one of you parents out there would want to see your kids carry on what you do if you did what i do? >> there's nothing to catch him? >> no, he's out there. he's out there. no safety tethers at all. >> i don't -- >> that's brave. >> huh-huh. and now he's preparing to walk across the grand canyon? i just -- >> some people have a different genetic makeup. they're adrenaline junkies. they get their jollies from that kind of stuff. >> but what if he falls? he's a dad. he has children. >> i get it. but we're talking about the wallendas. >> it's awesome to see, but what if he falls? >> he made it. congrats. like i said, not my job, but good.
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coming up, new insight into whitney houston's troubles from yet another member of her family, because we heard from her mother yesterday. >> now the brother speaks. also, a country star has a new song to write about her personal heartbreak. that's coming up next in "the skinny."
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♪ skinny, so skinny
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> oh, willis. >> it is time for "the skinny." >> that was like a bird call. >> this is interesting. we just heard from whitney houston's mom yesterday, and she -- >> she has that new book coming out. >> she talked about bobby brown and how he didn't help with whitney's drug situation. now we're hearing from her brother michael who says he is the one who started her on the path to taking drugs, which is remarkable because everyone blamed bobby brown. listen to the interview that he gave to oprah winfrey. >> did you introduce her to drugs? >> i would say yes. >> people thought bobby brown was the one that introduced the drugs. but she was already doing drugs by the time she met bobby brown? >> yeah, yeah.
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bobby was -- yeah, he was after. i felt responsible, i always have. i feel like i should have taken better care of her. >> that's got to be hard for mom to listen to that. >> and look at sissy, look at mom listening to the fact that one child was responsible for introducing the other child to drugs. i mean, i think that's remarkable. and oprah, she still gets these incredible interviews. people talk to the oracle. so really i think just shed light on the entire whitney houston thing. another layer of pain for that family. >> considering she was such a superstar, the fact that another family member would help in the poisoning of herself is considered -- >> it's remarkable. >> it's within a year next month. >> i think that was the bombshell. bobby brown took a lot of heat for starting her on the path and it wasn't bobby. breakup news to tell you about, fellas. ashley judd is back on the market.
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she confirmed tuesday after 11 years of marriage, she and her husband -- >> he's back on the market. my, my. >> good-looking couple, there we go. no idea whether they're taking steps towards divorce or separation. they do not have any kids. they got married in scotland back in 2001 after being engaged for two years. again, no kids. no reason for why they're splitting up. but they said we'll always be family and continue to cherish our relationship. >> if you had a husband that looks like, what's there to break up about? >> 11 years, that's long in hollywood terms. >> it is. i feel so terrible for ashley. chris brown, we've been talking about him, right? everyone has been tweeting me because he's in trouble yet again. i'm not a fan. accused of starting a fight with frank ocean. he has come out and he says, i didn't start the fight.
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he posted a photo of jesus on the cross saying, painting the way i feel today. focus on what matters. now he says no, no, no, no. i didn't do it. his attorney mark geragos is eager to have his client talk to investigators. >> oh, chris, chris, chris. let's end on a good note. that was kind of depressing. those of you that love the hit "entourage," they're going to turn it into a movie. the movie has been officially green lit. that's the scene from the final episode when it went off a few months ago. of course, the big cliffhanger is whether ari was going to take that big job he was offered. so we'll see how it plays out. the boys of "entourage" coming back, yes, indeed. [ male announcer ] zzz. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep.
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[ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing™. [ birds chirping ] zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. ♪
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try these. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. not just a sensation, sensational relief. [ male announcer ] why do more emergency workers everywhere trust duracell...?? duralock power preserve. locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. now...guaranteed. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. ♪ well, unless you've been living under a rock or chained
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up in willis' basement, you know that sunday is the super bowl of advertising. so even if you don't like football, you can't help but take an interest in those commercials. >> the big game is where they try something new. this year what's new is you. abc's linsey davis explains. >> reporter: with $4 million at stake for just 30 seconds of your time during this sunday's big game, advertisers are trying anything and everything to score big. what they're banking on is this year's winning play will be putting the power to the hands of the viewer. instead of betty white, talking babies and dogs in shoes, this year is all about interaction and social media. >> the super bowl will be the most democratic and social super bowl in history. they really want people involved in these ad campaigns, because there is so much pressure. there is a huge investment and they want these things to have a long shelf life. >> reporter: for the past six years, doritos has been putting their fans to work making the ads.
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>> sweet heart, i would love to, but the guys are waiting for me. >> i've got doritos. >> reporter: and then having them vote on which one makes the cut. >> this is going to be fun to vote and see their vote count. >> reporter: something other companies are catching on to. this year, audi shot three endings to this scene's prom experience. and is letting viewers vote online, selecting which one makes it to the big screen. budweiser is asking viewers to follow them on twitter to name this baby colt. their latest edition to their famous team of clydesdales. the biggest hail mary of all, though, goes to pepsi, who bought just one ad and is using the rest of their screen time letting fans strike a pose with a can as they introduce beyonce for their halftime show. linsey davis, abc news, new york.
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>> beyonce, beyonce. >> i hope she sings. >> willis, come on, man, sunny has been hating on beyonce all week. you've got to let it go. >> i hope it's not a milli vanilli moment. >> a lot of hateration. >> hope we're not having a repeat performance. >> go online, show us your team spirit, everybody, coming up for the big game sunday.@ññc?xús1@@?
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this morning -- severe storms for half the country. >> tracking two extremes. warm air spawning damaging winds overnight in the south, as the north braces for ice.
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we're tracking the latest. stock surge. all eyes watching the stock market today. will it hit that new magic number 14,000? a rocket ride putting more money right in your pocket. exit interview, a candid hillary clinton on the question everyone is asking. what's next? and life changer. the most complicated operation of its kind. a soldier who lost all four of his limbs in battle talks about his two new arms. good wednesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm sunny hostin. we begin with the weather extremes blind-siding dozens of cities. winter warnings in effect this morning in eight states with snow and plunging temps from kansas to michigan. that follows a day of soaring record highs. >> violent storms are still sweeping in this morning from texas to the midwest. they've spawned several unusual


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